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With everyone from pure-play OTT services to simulcasting traditional network broadcasts spending freely on content over the past few years, price increases for consumers of this premium content were inevitable. And despite some of what I’ve written in the past about the oddity of seemingly lock-step subscription increases across a number of premium streaming providers, I’ll at least agree that some of these price hikes were justified.

目前正在进行的罢工 by those who are focused on gaining a better percentage of shared revenues from streaming subscriptions for their labors (again, 主要是合理的), it would seem likely that holistic pricing for content creation and delivery would stabilize during this lull in the production of premium content. 不幸的是, 事实并非如此, and the costs faced on the delivery side of live and on-demand OTT content are about to get much more challenging.

在最后两个 流媒体状态调查; we saw a marked shift from operational expense concerns to capital expenditure concerns. 我们最初的
take on that shift—in which CapEx ranked high on the list of challenges for the first time since early 2020—was that the cost of success for smaller OTT providers was taking its toll.

工作前提,其中 帮助我流研究基金会 团队分析并呈现于 流媒体西部2022 流媒体东部2023, went something like this: The rise of CapEx concerns stemmed mainly from newer OTT providers that, having been successful at launching their nascent streaming service, were now shifting away from higher OpEx expenses to a less costly approach that included building out their own infrastructure. 换句话说, they’d received higher-than-expected bills from their cloud service providers and had enough revenue to begin buying their own inhouse kit.

It turns out that this might only be a small fraction of the story, as a more recent survey now shows that CapEx is the top concern, 其次是运营支出,然后是收入增长问题. 除了, even the cloud providers are saying that they’re feeling the pinch of higher prices on everything from bandwidth to batteries, 加上更高的借款利率. It looks like we might be heading into a perfect storm of cost overruns on both the CapEx and OpEx fronts.

The added costs of delayed productions—coming at the same time that advertising revenues are falling—means that the burden of maintaining quality content delivered at a quality data rate by quality OTT providers will fall mainly on the consumer. 而这个消费者已经捉襟见肘了, 随着汽车利率的上升, 房子, 以及个人信用卡.

这篇专栏并不是要让人沮丧, especially because the overall economy seems to be plugging along. But it is meant to ask those of you in the industry to share anecdotes and stories about the pain points you’re facing. 我们知道,流媒体中的任何东西都有其价格, but you are in a better position to help us fully understand what that price entails.

你可以用两种方式分享你的故事. First, feel free to email your insights to our insights [at] hmsrf.组织电邮地址. 第二,
请乘坐 2023年秋季流媒体状态调查. We’ve got a section in the survey that touches on pricing and pain points, 无论是从专业角度还是个人角度.

这两个都有帮助 帮助我流研究基金会整体研究, which is focused on giving the gift of streaming to emerging economies by considering best practices from the best and brightest in the field. And the survey will help both our team and 流媒体 better understand how to cover the industry during these times of uncertainty.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


远不是稀缺的内容, the integration of streaming into professional- and citizen-based news-gathering has generated such a monumental level of potential war-crime footage that every day sees an additional 10-100 documented cases of crimes against humanity. And this increased footage brings with it both greater accountability and a significantly higher backlog of cases that need to be tried.


蒂姆Siglin reflects on his 25-year-long career as a writer, 教练, and consultant in the streaming industry along with his professional partnership with Eric Schu­macher-Rasmussen.

id3as' Dom Robinson and Help Me Stream's 蒂姆Siglin Talk Greening of Streaming

id3as' Dom Robinson and Help Me Stream's 蒂姆Siglin discuss the latest Greening of Streaming developments--including taking the conservation case to Parliament--in this interview from 流媒体 East 2022.

Sustainability, Streaming, and the Data Attribution Challenge

"Sustainability" is perhaps the most important buzzword in the streaming industry, but most current efforts to define "green" or "net zero" streaming miss the target.


The time has long since passed to turn our attention to making the streaming delivery ecosystem more environmentally friendly. Here are some of the key challenges, as well as some suggested first steps towards solutions.