With Social Video Sizing, Serve Your Viewers What They’re Hungry For
The customer wanting to watch your stream on Insta does not want a horizontal video shoehorned into a vertical frame. The customer 看 the horizontal version doesn't want the vertical slice with the same thing blurred out behind it to fill the frame. Each of those customers is hungry for that particular experience. 你的工作就是给你的顾客他们渴望的东西.
I hear people ask about switching both a YouTube 和 the Instagram feed on the same device. 换句话说, one operator will switch one show 和 it will be sent to both YouTube 和 Instagram, 或TikTok, 等.
Having produced combination shows, I can say with experience that this is a compromise at best. 最坏的情况是一场灾难. Moreover, it is only looking at it from a production point of view. 这类似于做汉堡包, 但当有人想要别的东西时, 用不同的盘子为他们提供汉堡. 不幸的是,这并不是客户所渴望的.
Problem one is that the production for horizontal video has a widescreen mindset—items to the left 和 right, 画中画,有人站在角落里, 人们在屏幕上并排放置, 左下角和右下角的图形, 或者运动计时器之类的在上面的角落.
垂直视频非常不同. 如果你有两个人在说话, it's much more acceptable to stack those talking heads one over the other. 图形可能出现在角落里, 但它们不仅最终更加居中, but you also have to account for all the other overlays present in the Instagram, TikTok, 等. 观察窗. 界面图形下的程序图形不能工作. A multi-multi-view may have one person centered over or under two other people side by side.
It's a whole different mindset to design for vertical than it is for horizontal. Taking a center slice from a horizontal program may work sometimes. 但如果你有两发子弹, then your center slice has nothing but empty air 和 maybe a shoulder on the left 和 someone else's shoulder on the right. 它很容易变成一场灾难.
Problem two is that the horizontal viewer expects things to look a certain way. Horizontal video typically presents a clean interface with nothing covering the video content. 甚至在有多层文本内容的新闻台, 视频窗口被挤了下来,留下了. 运动图形是不受欢迎的, or even faded off the screen completely to not obscure the action.
垂直视频通常有文本叠加, 标题, 以及覆盖内容的应用程序界面. Often there's dynamic text smack-dab in the middle of the frame. 像这样, vertical video often needs to be framed further back to include more of the person away from that overlay content because there's no margin left or right. It's nearly impossible to extract that from the typical horizontal framing, which is filling the frame to compensate for a LOT of empty horizontal real estate left 和 right.
垂直视频是捕获和传递的合法格式. Over 70% of video is viewed on mobile devices—phones, tablets, 等. Vertical video is 100% equal to horizontal video because the devices can be held either way. Vertical video has been such a force that industry giants like YouTube, 脸谱网, 和 Zoom have all put in the massive amount of engineering to add vertical video to their platforms. 这并没有错. 它不会消失.
Even though you can rotate your phone to watch a horizontal video 和 fill the screen, 垂直视频也是一样, that doesn't mean they are—or even should be—the same experience. 他们不应该.
The customer wanting to watch your stream on Insta does not want a horizontal video shoehorned into a vertical frame. The customer 看 the horizontal version doesn't want the vertical slice with the same thing blurred out behind it to fill the frame. Each of those customers is hungry for that particular experience. 你的工作就是给你的顾客他们渴望的东西.
我们负责的软件之间是有区别的, 在软件方面, 还有我们的工作, are captives of our tool providers 和 their subscription-only services. It is in our own best interest to consistently run cost/benefit analyses of the value our tools provide to each of us. 我们每个人都可以做出有利于我们企业的决定, 和, 在更高的层次上, 我们选择支持那些两者之一的企业, 或者不, 把我们放在第一位.
今天, we are seeing a similar conglomeration of features 和 abilities in today's production hardware, 让一个人“包揽一切”!这就引出了一个问题:你应该做所有的事情吗?
I had the opportunity to try 和 learn to surf earlier this year. I'm very glad that I took the lessons because I soon found out how hard surfing really is. 在, 失败, 受伤, 看, 和学习, I saw some parallels between my lessons on the water 和 the streaming business—which isn't quite as easy as it looks either.